Monday, December 14, 2009

Rough few Days

It has been very hot and the power has been off a lot. So no fans or anything. Two night I actually cried because I was so soaking wet from sweating. Dickson and I actually went outside last night at 2am for 1.5 hours to cool off. We are really considering living in Ghana they don't have the power problems and most of Dickson business is coming from there. We hope to travel there during Christmas week.I went today to apply for a Ghana visa I will pick it up on Thursday. Dickson has to travel tomorrow for a funeral. I will be stuck here for 3 days without him. But I am find things around here. They have Pringles potatoe chips, and candy bars from the US. I like the chips not the candy. LOL I normally only eat one main meal a day then a snack of fruit. I have lost 10lbs. Which is good. I haven't been taking pictures because it take so long to upload them. But maybe while Dickson is gone I will take picture of the apartment we are staying in so you can get an idea. Everything is built out of cement here. Till next time.

1 comment:

Kelly Booth said...

So sorry it is so HOT...I would just Melt....Hang in there....hope you find something fun to do while Dickson is gone......